Save on Auto Glass Replacement: Winter Windshield Survival Tips

We’re finally free of the icy grip of winter, but it’ll be back with a vengeance before long!  Just as any good athlete trains hard during the off-season, safe drivers should also keep the learning process going year-round: with this in mind, the windshield repair shop team in Oakville has prepared some safe snow and ice removal tips you can use to keep your windshield safe after the next big snowfall.

Time is Tantamount to Success

One of the most important things to keep in mind as you approach a major ice or snow removal job is to take your time. Rushing the job is a big mistakes; many auto glass replacements during the winter are owed to the frantic scrape-jobs and de-icing attempts made by motorists in a mad morning dash to the office. When the cold months come back, you’ll need to start paying attention to overnight weather conditions. In doing so, you’ll be able to prepare for more time and labour-intensive de-icing jobs, and can avoid all of the panic and potential damage that rushing entails.

An Ounce of Preparation is Worth a Pound of Cure

Knowing what to expect in terms of snow and ice can help save a lot of time and trouble. Listen to your local weather reports and consider the following options: Park your vehicle in a garage or covered area. If you do not have access to a covered parking space, consider buying a canvas/tarp cover to drape over your vehicle during heavy storms.
  • If money is tight or you’re forced to make due with whatever is on hand under short notice, you can craft a makeshift windshield cover using paper bags or cardboard. Place this underneath the windshield wipers before you go to bed and they’ll act as a buffer against the worst of the storm.

Save Yourself an Auto Glass Replacement – Safe Ice and Snow Removal Tips

Before you even get to your windshields, check your tailpipe. If you notice any ice or snow obstructing it, remove it immediately. Though unrelated to your windshield, this simple tip is worth mentioning for your own safety, as carbon monoxide poisoning is lethal.
  • Remember that winter-cold glass is glass that’s under stress. Applying heat too quickly only creates more stress, which can be all you need for a windshield replacement-worthy crack. Some people try to thaw their windshield with boiling water and learn this lesson the hard way. If you intend to use heat to speed your deicing efforts, stick to your car’s defrost setting, and work your way up gradually from the “low” setting.
  • Use only plastic ice scrapers and soft brushes to deice your vehicle. Use only the edge designed for glass cleaning.
  • Try to minimize the amount of “chipping” that needs to be done on thick, icy spots. Give your defroster more time to work on these problem areas.
On behalf of the Speers Auto Glass Replacement team, we thank you for reading, and hope that these deicing tips will help you avoid the worst that winter has to offer next time around.


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