1. Clear all snow and ice from your vehicle’s windows, mirrors, lights, and roof
This will greatly improve your visibility, helping you identify and react to any hazards you may encounter on the road. Though scraping off your windshield is common knowledge for most Canadians, many people miss their brake lights, thereby reducing the amount of notice drivers behind your vehicle will have when slowing down or stopping. Additionally, the roof is commonly neglected; it’s easy to tell yourself the windows and brake lights are enough when you’re freezing cold, but make the effort to stretch and clear your roof! If you neglect this step, you expose other drivers to whiteouts and even dangerous debris, as fresh powder and hardened chunks of snow slide off of your car at high speeds.2. Wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict your movement behind the wheel
This can be tough when trying to bundle up against the frosty air, but it’s crucial for safe driving. Keep your warmer clothing nearby for when you’re ready to exit the vehicle. Give your car enough time to heat (your engine will thank you!), and you should be fine in lighter layers while driving.3. Check highway conditions before you venture out on the road
Knowing is half the battle – once you know that conditions are bad, you’ll take the necessary precautions, and will have an opportunity to plan safer routes that avoid steep hills and sharp turns.4. Pack a winter survival kit
Include things like a flashlight, small shovel, blanket, extra clothing, winter boots, and non-perishable energy foods. A candle and matches can be used to generate some heat in your vehicle if you become stranded.5. If you become stranded, don’t panic!
Check to ensure your exhaust pipe is clear of drifting snow before starting your engine to warm your vehicle, and open a window slightly to let in some fresh air, without welcoming the cold.6. Always make sure to keep as close to a full tank of gas as possible during the winter months
This will reduce moisture in your fuel system, and eliminate the risk of gas line freezing.7. Ensure that all cracks and chips are repaired as soon as possible
Cold weather will cause materials to shrink, constrict, and become brittle. Additionally, snow and slush can creep into the crevices in your damaged windshield, turning a cheap repair into a costly replacement. You can find fast, same-day service through Speers by clicking here. If you’re interesting in learning more about winter safety, or would like to explore other options for auto glass repair in your area, call 905-339-0339.